Eine Person bedient den MONTA mit  dem bewährten Anbaugerät Rapid Compact Eingraser. Damit ist die bodenschonende Futterernte einfach und effizient.


Rapid Compact tedder

The hay sliders Twister are highly efficient for haymaking on steep slopes. They have been designed for picking up and transporting dry crops and for transporting them in less steep positions for picking up by means of a baler or loader wagon are thus easily possible. The ease of work and time savings compared to conventional manual work are massive.

The Rapid Multi-Twister is designed for forage intake, windrowing and transporting crops on flat and sloping terrain. The patented pick-up is extremely gentle on the feed. The lateral transport is carried out by the cross conveyor belt, which can easily be switched from the tie bar to right or left rotation as well as to standstill.
The belt tedder is used to carry out subsequent work steps after mowing, especially windrowing on the plain and on gentle slopes. Furthermore, tedding/turning work can be done and limited quantities of cuttings can be transported uphill.

With the tried and tested Rapid Compact tedder, soil-conserving forage harvesting is simple and efficient. The compact design with optimum weight distribution allows a perfect cut and clean forage even under difficult conditions. A double mowing is created in two counter-rotating work runs in each case.